5 Things You Need To Know About Indicted Clinton Ally, Jeffrey Thompson

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Today DC Businessman Jeffrey Thompson was charged  for breaking campaign finance rules in a conspiracy to help Mayor Vincent Gray. This is not Thompson’s first brush with campaign finance law. He has previously come under the feds scrutiny for his involvement in funding a scheme to aid Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign.

Here’s what you need to know about Jeffrey Thompson and his ties to Hillary Clinton.

1. Jeffrey Thompson is a long-time donor to Hillary and Bill Clinton. He’s given to every campaign of theirs since 1992. His direct contributions have exceeded $7,500


2. Jeffrey Thompson was named a “Hillraiser” – the top bundlers who gathered lots of contributions for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign

3. Jeffrey Thompson was involved in a campaign finance scheme to funnel $600,000 off-the-books to Clinton allies in Texas ahead of the 2008 primary in order to fund a get-out-the-vote effort.

4. Minyon Moore, a top Clinton aide  identified by Politico as “Hillary’s Political Eyes and Ears” ahead of the 2016  election was identified as the go-between in the 2008 campaign who connected Thompson to those executing the Texas grassroots effort on Clinton’s behalf.

5. When a judge asked the head of the Texas grassroots scheme Jeffrey Thompson funded if there was “some cooperation” between the official campaign and his operation he said “yes.”