Developing Narrative, Callis Losing Endorsements For Lack Of Issue Knowledge

More bad news today for Ann Callis, the DCCC-backed challenger in Illinois’ 13th Congressional District. For the second time in two weeks, her primary opponent has received a major newspaper endorsement over her.

Last week, The Chicago Tribune endorsed Callis’ opponent, George Gollin. Again today, The State Journal-Register endorsed Gollin. The newspapers had similar reasons to forego endorsing Callis: her lack of a policy basis.

The Chicago Tribune said:

“A similar scene is playing out in the Democratic primary, where Sen. Dick Durbin’s chosen candidate is carefully insulated from anyone who might ask her a tough question. Former Madison County chief judge Ann Callis sticks to safe talking points, occasionally name-checking Durbin. Her answers to our survey are carefully scripted, heavy on promises to protect seniors and middle-class families without explaining what she’d actually do. She would not agree to be interviewed by the Tribune.

The State Journal-Register said:

Callis, a former judge from Edwardsville who has the support of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, seemed to lack a deeper understanding of national issues.

You can see our post on Callis’ failing to answer questions here. Needless to say, Ann Callis was not thrilled:
