If The DCCC Knows One Thing, They Know The House Is Out Of Reach

Today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced it’s top 16 candidates for taking a majority in the House of Representatives. There are just a few problems:

1. Democrats Need To Net 17 Seats To Win The House, They Only Announced 16 Candidates

As the National Journal points out in their article “Democratic Target List Shows How Hard It Is to Win the House”:

“First of all, the DCCC named 16 initial Red to Blue candidates this week, but the party needs to net 17 House seats for a majority.”

2. Two Of The Seats Are Already Held By Democrats

According to The Hill, two of the 16 seats are open races already held by Democrats:

“The committee named 16 candidates to the program, and three more districts with multiple Democratic contenders that the party has high hopes of winning. Two of those districts are open seat contests but are currently held by a Democrat.”

 3. The Chicago Tribune Endorsed The Opponent Of One Of The DCCC’s Top Candidates

Among the DCCC’s top 16 candidates is Ann Callis, former head of the “judicial hellhole” of Madison County’s 3rd Circuit Court. Just this past weekend, Callis’ primary opponent was endorsed by The Chicago Tribune, which noted

“A similar scene is playing out in the Democratic primary, where Sen. Dick Durbin’s chosen candidate is carefully insulated from anyone who might ask her a tough question. Former Madison County chief judge Ann Callis sticks to safe talking points, occasionally name-checking Durbin. Her answers to our survey are carefully scripted, heavy on promises to protect seniors and middle-class families without explaining what she’d actually do. She would not agree to be interviewed by the Tribune.”

4. A Top Democrat Candidate Lied In A Fundraising Email

Martha Robertson, the Democrat’s candidate in New York’s 23rd district, falsely accused Republicans of hacking her website in an attempt to raise money. After saying she would hire a cyber-security firm to investigate the matter, Robertson’s campaign failed to do so.

And over this weekend, The Buffalo News reported that Robertson’s campaign still hasn’t provided any public proof of the claim and the campaign wouldn’t release records to them.