Top Five Things To Know About Pete Gallego (D-TX)

Rep. Pete Gallego is a Democrat running for re-election in Texas’ 23nd Congressional District.

1. Gallego Votes With His Party 80 Percent Of The Time

After Gallego was elected, he pledged to be a “voice of reason” and said he would “put my money where my mouth is – engaging in activities that are bridge building.” His record as a dependable Democrat vote shows otherwise. According to The Washington Post‘s U.S. Congress Votes Database, Gallego votes with Democrats 80% of the time.

2. Gallego Thinks ObamaCare Has More Good Than Bad

In his first campaign for Congress, Gallego admitted there are bad parts of ObamaCare, but ultimately “there’s more good than bad” and that he doesn’t support full repeal. True to his word, he has voted against repealing ObamaCare.

3. Gallego Voted Against The Keystone Pipeline

Gallego has voted against building the Keystone Pipeline, even though President Obama’s own State Department estimated the pipeline would create 42,000 direct and indirect jobs.

4. Gallego Was A Leader In Shutting Down The Texas Legislature

Gallego was a vocal critic of the October 2013 government shutdown, calling it “irresponsible.” However in 2003, as a Texas State Representative he led a group of lawmakers into Oklahoma to prevent a vote on a redistricting plan because he didn’t agree with it. Gallego was convinced he was doing the right thing by shutting down the legislature. Months after abandoning his constituents, Gallego used the attention he received by attending DC fundraisers that celebrated his actions.

5. Gallego Voted Against A $694 Million Border Bill

In July 2014, Gallego called on Congress to “get appropriate infrastructure and resources to the border in order to enforce our immigration law.” But only a month later Gallego voted against a $694 million border bill.