Top Four Things To Know About Joe Garcia (D-FL)

Rep. Joe Garcia is a Democrat running for re-election in Florida’s 26th Congressional District.

1. Garcia’s Congressional Campaigns Have Been Involved In Two Federal Investigations

After promising to move past scandals and corruption if elected, Garcia’s campaigns have been involved in two federal investigations, so far. Two of his
campaign staffers resigned over an absentee ballot fraud investigation and his campaign was allegedly involved in a “secretly funded a bogus tea party candidate” from 2010.

2. Garcia Went Radical On House Floor

Garcia went extreme on the U.S. House Floor when he called for Republicans to “push aside these extremist elements, this Taliban that is at America’s core for some reason.”

3. Garcia Votes With Washington Dems 87% Of The Time

According to the Sunlight Foundation’s OpenCongress, Garcia has voted with his party 87% of the time during the 113th Congress. The website also shows he has voted with Nancy Pelosi 73% of the time. He also voted for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House.

4. Garcia Supports ObamaCare

Even though Garcia himself had trouble signing up for ObamaCare, he is committed to implementing it and voted against repealing the healthcare law. He says he is “all in” for ObamaCare.


Updated 9/23/2014