Top Four Things To Know About Ann McLane Kuster

Rep. Ann McLane Kuster is running for re-election in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District.

1. Kuster Refused To Address Benghazi With Her Constituents

At a recent town hall meeting, Kuster evaded questions about Benghazi, saying the audience should “focus on the Middle East.”

2. Kuster Approves Of ObamaCare And Even Thinks It Didn’t Go Far Enough

In August 2010, Kuster expressed her approval for ObamaCare as an “historic first step” yet also indicated her support for the public option. Her approval continues even as New Hampshire residents experience firsthand the downsides of the law. Kuster has voted against multiple bipartisan bills that aimed at reforming ObamaCare.

3. Kuster Got Into A Tussle With A Bass Campaign Staffer

Kuster forcibly grabbed the camera of a Bass campaign staffer at an event during which the candidate appeared alongside Vice President Joe Biden.

4. Despite Her Lobbying Career That Spanned Two Decades Prior To Her 2012 Campaign, Kuster Refuses To Refer To Herself As A Lobbyist

From 1989 to 2009, Kuster was a lobbyist for a multitude of industries – including Pharma, Fidelity Investments, and Dartmouth College – but refuses to refer herself as such, preferring the term “public policy advocate.”