Rep. Steven Horsford is running for re-election in Nevada’s 4th Congressional District.
1. None Of Horsford’s Bills Have Been Made It Out Of Committee
Horsford has introduced seven bills in the House, of which none have been signed into law, passed the House, or even made it out of committee.
2. Horsford Supported Obama “From The Beginning” In 2008
At the Democratic National Convention In 2008, Horsford said “Barack Obama is trying to elevate our thinking” of the candidate he supported from the beginning.
3. In July 2010, Horsford Was Criticized For Orchestrating A “Pay To Play” Scheme
In July 2010, Horsford wrote a letter to prospective donors from his leadership PAC “that guaranteed them dinners and receptions with him and key Senate Democrats if they donated money. The greater the amount of money someone donated, the greater the access to him and other key Democrats.
4. In 2009 Horsford Parked In A Handicapped Parking Spot For 5-6 Hours
In 2009 Horsford parked in a handicapped parking spot for five to six hours. The person who spotted Horsford’s vehicle was the mother of a 14-year-old girl in a wheelchair. The girl’s mother said the parking lot was full that day. Horsford initially refused to go on camera to talk about
the issue, only releasing a statement of apology to the KTNV.
5. Horsford Opposes The Keystone XL Pipeline.
On May 22, 2013, Horsford voted against H.R. 3, a bill approved the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. On July 28, 2013 Horsford also voted against H.R. 2231 the Offshore Energy And Jobs Act, which would expand U.S offshore energy production.