Peters Doubles Down On ObamaCare, Pelosi And Reid

Peters and Pelosi

In 2010, Gary Peters voted for ObamaCare even though his constituents protested:

“As a freshman congressman in 2010, Peters voted for the health care law over howls of protest among constituents at angry town halls and warnings it would cost him his suburban Detroit swing district House seat.”

With approval of ObamaCare at 34% in Michigan, you would think that Gary Peters would be having second thoughts about his vote for ObamaCare.

You’d be wrong.

Today in POLITICO Peters said that he would vote for ObamaCare again!

“Peters insists he has no regrets. Problems with the law need to be fixed, he said, and he’s willing to delay the individual health insurance mandate to get the program working as promised. But he’d do the same thing over again.”

And not only that, but Peters praised Nancy Pelosi’s leadership and said that she has been very helpful to him:

“Despite her polarizing reputation, Peters praises Pelosi’s leadership, saying she’s worked to ‘build consensus.’ ‘She’s never pressured me — ever — to vote one way or the other,’ he said. ‘She’s been very helpful to me.’”

Peters also said that he has no reason to oppose Harry Reid as the Senate majority leader if he is elected to the Senate:

“Peters added, if he wins November’s election, he’d have ‘no reason’ to oppose Harry Reid as majority leader.”

And Gary Peters is trying to pass himself off as a moderate…