Mark Pryor Hates NY Ads, But He Loves NY $$$

Today Sen. Mark Pryor released an ad defending his opposition to President Obama’s gun control law from Mayor Bloomberg’s super PAC attack ads. However, ABC News reported that the Bloomberg-backed group pushed back on Pryor’s response by stating that he “had no problem listening to New Yorkers” when it comes to fundraising from New York donors:

John Feinblatt, the chief policy advisor to the mayor and chairman of Bloomberg’s push for gun control, pushed back at the criticism and said Pryor is less willing to distance himself from New York City when he is raising money. “Mark Pryor had no problem listening to New Yorkers when he scooped up over a quarter of a million dollars for his campaigns from New York donors,” Feinblatt said. “It’s time for Senator Pryor to stop the hypocrisy and explain why he voted against a background check bill.”

Since 2007, Mark Pryor has received $293,600 from New York donors:

Mark Pryor donations