Kay Hagan Still Afraid Of Saying Whether Obama Will Help Or Hurt Her Campaign

Yesterday, Kay Hagan (D-NC) gave an interview with Greensboro’s WXII where she spent over 45 seconds not answering a question on whether President Obama will help or hurt her re-election.

WXII’S BILL O’NEIL: “Senator, I have to ask you, do you think the president, at the end of this campaign, will he help or hurt your chances of re-election?” HAGAN: “You know, I think this issue on my race is about who is going to speak for North Carolinians. This seat is not for sale.” WXII’S BILL O’NEIL: “Senator Hagan’s reply went on for another 45-seconds, talking about constituent services, job creation, and the need for both parties to work together. But she never once answered the question, will the president help or hurt her campaign?”

If Hagan is this concerned about being tied to President Obama, she shouldn’t have consistently voted for his liberal agenda.