Joe Baca (D-CA) Degrades Foe As “Bimbo”

Today, Rep. Gloria Negrete McLeod (D-CA) announced her retirement after only one term in Congress. Her 2012 opponent, former Rep. Joe Baca (D-CA), who is now running for Congress in California’s 31st Congressional district, didn’t wait too long to hurl a parting insult to not only his “longtime foe,” but to national Democrats who lined up behind McLeod’s candidacy. As The Hill’s Ballot Box blog reports:

“[Baca] slammed both Bloomberg and DCCC Chairman Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) for meddling in California politics, and said they’d work against him no matter where he ran – and took a final shot at McLeod, his longtime foe, calling her a ‘bimbo.’”

‘What’s the difference? They’ve conspired to work against me in one, they’d turn around and do the same in the other, right? Would you roll the dice and hope they wouldn’t?’ he asked rhetorically.

‘Look at what we wound up with: Some bimbo who decided not to run again. … Here we go again now with another New Yorker trying to tell us who’s going to be the representative of the 31st. It’s up to the people to decide.’”
