Rep. Ami Bera is running for re-election in California’s 7th Congressional District.
1. Bera Is A Partisan DC Democrat Who Votes Straight Down The Party Line
Bera claims to want to work across the aisle, but he is a partisan Democrat through and through. Bera votes with the Democrat party 88 percent of the time, and with Pelosi 79 percent of the time. Bera also voted for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House. Bera has also said that his first year in office was as much about building his “reputation in Washington, D.C.” as it was about focusing on his district.
2. Bera Has Received Thousands Of Dollars In Campaign Contributions From Health Care Sector PACs
Bera has been a big critic of health insurance companies and the rising costs of health care. But that hasn’t stopped him from accepting thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the healthcare and health insurance sectors. He’s received over $100,000 each from Kaiser Permanente employees, and from health care sector PACs.
3. Bera Supports ObamaCare And Said It Hasn’t Gone Far Enough
Though he has been critical of the ObamaCare rollout, Bera still supports the law. He opposes its repeal, and in fact has even said that it did not go far enough.
4. Bera Supports A Gas Tax
During a 2010 telephone town hall, Bera said that a gas tax is “worth exploring.”