Flashback: Mark Pryor Said ObamaCare Wasn’t Killing Jobs

In August 2013, Mark Pryor (D-AR) said that ObamaCare “isn’t killing jobs, this bill is creating jobs.”

PRYOR: “People talk about job killers, you know I just went through a list – 1,000 new jobs at Serco, 150 new jobs at Fidelity, 200 new jobs at Sites Call Center, etc., etc., 100 new jobs at Mercy Hospital. This bill isn’t killing jobs, this bill is creating jobs.”


The Congressional Budget Office announced today that due to ObamaCare, there will be 2 million fewer full-time equivalent workers by 2017.

It’s no surprise that Pryor is out of touch with the pain inflicted by ObamaCare, he did, after all, call the law “an amazing success story.”