Eldridge: I Will Say Whatever It Takes To Win An Election

In an interview with Real Clear Politics, Sean Eldridge has once again gone above and beyond in his attempts to shed the liberal Washington establishment that is supporting his bid for Congress.

Eldridge refuses to say whether he would support Nancy Pelosi for Speaker:

Running in a swing district that will be among the nation’s most closely watched in next year’s midterms, Eldridge has vowed to be an independent voice on Capitol Hill. In the interview, he declined to say whether he would support Nancy Pelosi for speaker if Democrats retake control of the House.

Republicans protest that this claim of political independence reeks of insincerity, given that Eldridge is a partially self-funded candidate whose campaign coffers have also been filled by some of the most prominent members of the Hollywood-New York-Washington axis of progressive elites, with whom he and his husband frequently rub shoulders.

This comes despite the two being “close friends.”


In the same interview, Eldridge is now hedging on his support of ObamaCare: 

True to his otherwise circumspect approach, however, Eldridge declined to say whether he would have voted for the bill, knowing what he does now about its implementation, had he been a member of Congress in 2010.

“It’s impossible to speculate on something when I wasn’t there and wasn’t in the room and didn’t have an opportunity to vote on it,” he said. “But what I would say now moving forward is that I would not vote more than 40 times, as my opponent has, to repeal the Affordable Care Act.”

However, just seven weeks ago, Eldridge could not even name an issue on which he disagreed with Democrats:

Looks like a few weeks have bad news for ObamaCare has sent Sean Eldridge running. And this is despite his past support of the bill: