Dem Senate Candidate Gary Peters Lawyers Up To Silence Leukemia Patient Who Lost Her Plan


In a recent ad against Gary Peters, a leukemia patient talks about how ObamaCare caused her health insurance plan to be canceled.

In the ad, Julie Boonstra talks about her predicament:

“I was doing fairly well fighting the cancer, fighting the leukemia, and then I received the letter: My insurance was canceled because of ObamaCare. Now the out-of-pocket costs are so high it’s unaffordable. If I do not receive my medication, I will die.”

Peters response to the ad has been to accuse Julie of lying and threatening the TV stations airing the ad:

“For her courage in speaking out she is being vilified by those who argue she is simply not telling the truth. Peters, citing a so-called “fact checking” by the Washington Post, is trying to shut her up by having his lawyers send letters to television stations around the state telling them to demand more proof of what she says or pull the ad.”

Boonstra has said she is appalled that Peters would come out and attack her:

“‘I’m appalled. I’m appalled as a mom, as a woman, and as a cancer patient, as someone living with cancer … who has stood before this nation to say, ‘I cannot afford that out of pocket expense,’ said Boonstra, who said she was given a 20 percent chance of surviving her disease. ‘As a Michigan resident, to silence my voice, I’m absolutely appalled.’”