Alex Sink Is “Embarrassed” By Joe Biden, But Not His Campaign Cash

CNN reported last week that Alex Sink will be attending a fundraiser with Joe Biden this evening in Coral Gables, Florida, about 280 miles away from the Pinellas County Congressional District she now considers a rental destination.

However, as the Tampa Bay Times reports, it is pretty astounding that Sink would appear with Biden, given her treatment of the Vice President in when she ran for governor in 2010:

That she would go that far to be with Biden stands in stark contrast to her last run for political office. In 2010, Sink wanted little to do with him.

In the heated gubernatorial race with Rick Scott, she was the only statewide Democratic candidate to skip a Biden appearance in Hollywood.

“My focus has to be on Florida, on shaking lots of hands of Florida voters. And Vice President Biden is not a Florida voter,” Sink said then. “I know him. I can talk to him just about any time I need to speak with him.”

Sink also dissed Biden over a speech he made in Pensacola amid the BP oil spill. Sink characterized it as “a screw-up,” saying she was “embarrassed” by his speech.

“It was just so off target and out of touch with the reality of what’s going on over there,” Sink said in a July 2010 interview with Politico at the Florida Democratic Party headquarters in Tallahassee.

Seems pretty clear that Alex Sink’s campaign so desperately needs money that she will travel hundreds of miles away from her adopted Congressional District to raise money with a man who once “embarrassed” her.