Mary Landrieu may tell Louisianans that having her potentially lead the Senate’s Energy Committee will be a good thing for Louisiana. But Landrieu’s wallet speaks louder than her words, specifically when it comes to energy policy.
Landrieu may say that she “will not simply rubber stamp climate change proposals because my party and the Obama administration support them,” but she will rubber stamp the campaigns of her Democrat colleagues who do.
Landrieu’s Jazz PAC routinely gives tons of money to her Democrat colleagues in the Senate who support cap-and-trade. In fact, of the 39 Democrats who voted for cap-and-trade, Landrieu’s PAC has contributed campaign cash to 30 of them.
Now we see that Landrieu’s outside group support system, the Senate Majority PAC, has taken $2.5 million from outspoken carbon-tax proponent , the former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
You can always tell a lot about a person by what they spend their money on.