Kay Hagan’s Bloomberg Problem

Yesterday, Kay Hagan (D-NC) went on WNCT to denounce out-of-state super PACs as being run by people who “don’t know our values, they don’t know North Carolina.”

HAGAN: “The job I am doing is working on behalf of every North Carolinian with a focus on jobs and getting our economy to recover. Millions of dollars of ads are being run against me from outside special interest. These people are not North Carolinians, they don’t know our values, they don’t know North Carolina.”

Hagan seems to have forgotten that, just last month, an out-of-state super PAC aligned with Harry Reid (D-NV), Senate Majority PAC, made a $750,000 ad buy on her behalf.

Not only does Senate Majority PAC have Harry Reid’s blessing, but, earlier this month, Politico reported that the PAC has received a $2.5 million contribution from former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg’s donation to the PAC came from the close relationship he has with Reid “over the years working on issues of concern to New Yorkers.”

Bloomberg, one of the richest men in the world, made the donation to Senate Majority PAC, which is run by former aides to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and other top Democrats. “It arose out of the close relationship the Mayor has developed with Leader Reid over the years working on issues of concern to New Yorkers like [Hurricane] Sandy relief and gun safety,” said Howard Wolfson, former deputy mayor and a close aide.

It is the height of hypocrisy for Hagan to denounce super PACs as not knowing North Carolina or its values, but then allow a super PAC, sponsored by Harry Reid and Michael Bloomberg’s liberal agenda, to make large ad buys on her behalf.