Bombshell: Gates Says Hillary Admitted Her Position On Iraq Surge Was Purely Political

In his new book, ‘Duty,’ former Defense Secretary Robert Gateswrote that in a private meeting Hillary Clinton admitted her opposition to the troop surge in Iraq was purely an attempt to gain political advantage ahead of the 2008 Iowa Caucus.

Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary. . . .

Clinton’s initial support for the Iraq War was widely seen as a key reason that she lost her overwhelming lead in the 2008 Democratic Primary.

The new revelation by Gates, that Clinton would admit to being disingenuous about her position on the Iraq surge for political purposes, is sure to undermine her attempt to position herself as “serious” on foreign policy issues ahead of a likely 2016 run.

Iowa Caucus voters might wonder what serious issues will Hillary Clinton mislead voters about her position on in 2016 in order to try to win their support?