D.C. Power Brokers Tell Montanans Tester Hasn’t Sold Out

When Tester’s in Montana he tells people he hasn’t lost his Montana values like other Congressmen.  He assures the voters back home that he works for them and not D.C. lobbyists or Wall Street bankers, but his campaign money tells a different story.

Tester is the top recipient of money from other Democrats and D.C. lobbyists, but that’s not all.  Wall Street firms are some of Tester’s biggest contributors.  The finance, insurance, and real estate sectors have donated nearly $1.4 million to Tester, and his fourth largest donor is the prominent Wall Street firm J.P. Morgan.  Not to be left out, other big Wall Street banks like Blackstone, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs are some of Tester’s biggest donors.  If the D.C. establishment is going to start attacking Rehberg of working for D.C. and Wall Street they should consider who their candidate is.  Tester’s hands are very deep in the pocket of both Wall St. and the D.C. establishment. 



The DSCC Financed A $400,000 Through The Montana Democratic Party Which Attacks Rehberg For Losing Touch With Montana And Working For D.C. And Wall Street.  “The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is financing an ad that will target Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg in the Montana Senate race beginning on Tuesday. It’s the third time so far this cycle the DSCC has paid for a Senate campaign commercial.  ‘After 12 years in Washington D.C., Dennis Rehberg’s forgotten where he comes from,’ says the narrator of the ad, which the state Democratic Party is launching. ‘Because Rehberg voted for billions in tax breaks to big bankers on Wall Street Rehberg even voted to let Wall Street CEOs get millions in bonuses funded by taxpayer bailouts.’ The ad will run through July 9, and has $400,000 behind it. The DSCC transferred money to the state party for the ad buy.” (Sean Sullivan, “DSCC Ad Hits Rehberg In Montana,” National Journal’s Hotline, 6/18/12)


Tester Has Taken $348,031 From Lobbyist In The 2012 Cycle. (The Center For Responsive Politics, www.opensecrets.org, Accessed 6/18/12)


  • Tester Is The #1 Recipient Of Lobbyist Money In The 2012 Cycle. (The Center For Responsive Politics, www.opensecrets.org, Accessed 6/18/12)


Tester Has Taken $1,379,962 From The Financial, Insurance, And Real Estate Sectors.  (The Center For Responsive Politics, www.opensecrets.org, 6/18/12)


Tester Is The #1 Of Democratic Leadership PAC’s In The 2012 Cycle ($286,000). (The Center For Responsive Politics, www.opensecrets.org, Accessed 6/18/12


Tester’s #4 Contributor For The 2012 Cycle Is JP Morgan & Chase With $45,000. (The Center For Responsive Politics, www.opensecrets.org, Accessed 6/18/12)


Some Of Tester’s Wall Street Bank Donors (2012 Cycle): Blackstone $34,000, Wells Fargo $26,000, Citigroup $15,500. (The Center For Responsive Politics, www.opensecrets.org, Accessed 6/18/12)


Top Contributors – Career





League of Conservation Voters $74,322 $62,400 $11,922
Council for a Livable World $66,205 $53,680 $12,525
Moveon.org $62,790 $62,790 $0
Visa Inc $47,400 $37,400 $10,000
Thornton & Naumes $45,600 $45,600 $0
JPMorgan Chase & Co $45,200 $35,200 $10,000
WPP Group $40,100 $35,500 $4,600
First Interstate Bancsystem $39,500 $32,650 $6,850
Blackstone Group $36,300 $36,300 $0
Wells Fargo $32,450 $17,450 $15,000
Comcast Corp $31,000 $18,500 $12,500
Pederson Group $29,500 $29,500 $0
State of Montana $28,704 $28,704 $0
Akin, Gump et al $25,932 $21,900 $4,032
Patton Boggs LLP $25,250 $15,250 $10,000
University of Montana $25,050 $25,050 $0
Impact (Schumer) $25,000 $15,000 $10,000
Citigroup Inc $24,600 $17,100 $7,500
Kelso & Co $24,000 $24,000 $0
Goldman Sachs $23,100 $13,100 $10,000

(The Center For Responsive Politics, www.opensecrets.org, Accessed 6/18/12)