Head Fake Towards The Center

Heinrich is so independent that Nancy Pelosi adopted him to be trained by Democratic party lobbyists in Washington on how to run for office.  True story. No doubt their first piece of advice was “pretend to be an independent.”  And he’s certainly following their lead.  Of course, there are those pesky facts.

Heinrich, always the “loyal Democratic soldier” (Santa Fe New Mexican), gets large contributions and perfect scores for his votes in Congress from…fringe environmental radicals like The WildEarth Guardians and The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, groups that surely must be putting New Mexicans first.

Heinrich put party first when he voted for ObamaCare, a bill so poorly written it’s actually going to reduce Medicare Advantage enrollees in New Mexico by over 50%.

So whenever Martin Heinrich tries to claim he’ll do anything but be a far-left Democratic party vote, remember that’s the only thing he’s ever been.


“Loyal Democratic Solider” Heinrich Claims He’ll Vote Against The Democratic Party When It Harms New Mexico’s Interests. “Heinrich is clearly the favorite of traditional Democratic interest groups. He’s been backed by various labor unions, environmental groups and at least eight Indian pueblos and other tribal governments. In a Congress known for gridlock and a hard — some say toxic — partisan divide, Heinrich has been a loyal Democratic soldier in Congress, voting his party’s line more than 90 percent of the time.” (Steve Terrell, “Dems: Heinrich Out To Prove He’s Not Just Pretty Face,” Santa Fe New Mexican, http://www.santafenewmexican.com/, 5/19/12)

Heinrich Has Voted With Democrats 95% Of The Time In Congress On Over 2,400 Votes:

In The 111th Congress, Heinrich Voted With The Democrats 97% Of The Time On 1,654 Votes. (The U.S Congress Vote Database, “Martin Heinrich (D),” Washington Post, http://projects.washingtonpost.com/, Accessed 11/14/11)

In The 112th Congress, Heinrich Voted With The Democrats 91% Of The Time On 835 Votes. (The U.S Congress Vote Database, “Martin Heinrich (D),” Washington Post, http://projects.washingtonpost.com/, Accessed 11/14/11)

Nancy Pelosi And The DCCC Enlisted K-Street Lobbyists Who Back Extreme Liberal Causes To “Adopt” Heinrich:

Nancy Pelosi Asked K-Street Lobbyists To Help Vulnerable House Members With Fundraising And Campaigning. “Facing a tough political cycle, the DCCC is redoubling its efforts to enlist K Streeters to help its most vulnerable ‘Frontline’ program Members with fundraising, messaging and campaign strategy. The ask was formalized Wednesday evening at a dinner at Acqua Al 2, an Italian restaurant on Capitol Hill, organized by Jennifer Crider, political director for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and deputy executive director at the DCCC. The effort is being driven by Pelosi loyalists, such as Democratic bundlers Tony Podesta of the Podesta Group, Ben Barnes of the Barnes Group, Steve Elmendorf of Elmendorf Strategies and Brian Wolff, a former DCCC executive director who is now a lobbyist at the Edison Electric Institute. That’s a notable development considering Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is the Caucus’ point man when it comes to fundraising from the downtown business community.” (Anna Palmer, “DCCC Seeking Savvy K Street Reinforcements,” Roll Call, http://www.rollcall.com/, 6/14/10)

  • “‘They Basically Asked Us To Adopt A Member,’ according to another lobbyist at the dinner, who declined to speak on the record.” (Anna Palmer, “DCCC Seeking Savvy K Street Reinforcements,” Roll Call, http://www.rollcall.com/, 6/14/10)

Heinrich Was One Of Those Selected By Pelosi. “Reps. Harry Teague and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, Steve Driehaus and Mary Jo Kilroy of Ohio, Debbie Halvorson of Illinois, Kathy Dahlkemper of Pennsylvania and Betsy Markey of Colorado were among the lawmakers the DCCC picked.”  (Anna Palmer, “DCCC Seeking Savvy K Street Reinforcements,” Roll Call, http://www.rollcall.com/, 6/14/10)

Heinrich Has A 100% Voter Rating From The Defenders Of Wildlife:

In The 112th Congress, Heinrich Has Voted With The DOWAF 100% Of The Time. (“Conservation Report Card,” Defenders Of Wildlife Action Fund, Accessed 10/27/11)

ObamaCare, Which Heinrich Voted For, Will Reduce Medicare Advantage Enrolles In New Mexico By Over 50%:

Heinrich Voted To Pass Health Care Reconciliation Act. (H.R. 4872, CQ Vote #167: Adopted 220-211: R 0-178; D 220-33, 3/21/10, Heinrich Voted Yea)

New Mexico Statewide Medicare Advantage Cuts Will Total $415,422,000 After ObamaCare. (Robert A. Book, Ph.D. and James C. Capretta, “Effects of Medicare Advantage Changes under PPAC,” Heritage Foundation, http://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/, 9/14/10)

New Mexico Statewide Medicare Advantage Enrollee Projections Are Reduced From 99,451 In 2017 To 48,624 After ObamaCare (51.11%). (Robert A. Book, Ph.D. and James C. Capretta, “Effects of Medicare Advantage Changes under PPAC,” Heritage Foundation, http://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/, 9/14/10)