Heidi’s Liberal Friends

Heitkamp’s not getting her campaign cash from North Dakotans.  It’s coming from everywhere else – Washington, DC, California, Washington, DC, South Carolina, Washington, DC, Hawaii, and, predictably, Washington, DC.

Half of all the money she’s raised has come from Democratic Party leaders in Washington, California liberals and, shockingly, one East Coast law firm. 

For every dollar Heitkamp raises from North Dakota, $3 are coming to her from outside special interests, the Democratic Party establishment, and her liberal friends.

Heidikamp wants to represent North Dakota, but if she’s elected, the only people she’ll owe are the ones that bought her campaign.


Heitkamp Has Raised $462,818 (40%) From PAC’s And Committees Run By Democratic Party Insiders:

Heitkamp Has Raised $462,818 From PAC’s, Authorized Committees, And Party Committees. (FEC Campaign Finance Reports And Data, http://query.nictusa.com/, Accessed 4/23/12)

Heidi’s Fundraising Committees Are Run By Democratic Party Insiders. “Heitkamp’s six joint-fundraising committees are similarly connected to Democratic Party insiders, but Heitkamp’s most significant boost comes from a fellow Senate hopeful.” (Kristen Daum, “National Donors Aim To Influence Berg, Heitkamp,” InForum, http://www.inforum.com/, 4/21/12)

  • “Meanwhile, Heitkamp Is Using The Help Of Six Joint-Fundraising Committees, Which Her Campaign Directly Authorizes To Help Raise Dollars On Her Behalf.” (Kristen Daum, “National Donors Aim To Influence Berg, Heitkamp,” InForum, http://www.inforum.com/, 4/21/12)

Heitkamp’s Travelled Across The Country Raising Money For Her North Dakota Campaign Including Multiple Stops In California. “In March, Heitkamp spent a day each in Colorado, California (two separate stops) and Washington to help raise campaign dollars to promote women seeking U.S. Senate seats this year. FEC filings show Heitkamp received $32,700 from the fundraising tour, the fourth-highest amount among the 11 women who participated in the four West Coast appearances.”

Heitkamp Raised $773,762 (77% Of Itemized Contributions) From Outside North Dakota:

Heitkamp Raised $1,162,134 Since Entering The Race. (FEC Disclosure, Heidi For Senate, http://query.nictusa.com/, Filed 2/2/12)

  • Heitkamp Raised At Least $152,000 In Non-Itemized Contributions. (Kristen Daum, “More Details On U.S. Senate Candidates’ First-Quarter Fundraising,” Flickertales, http://ndpolitics.areavoices.com/, 4/24/12)

Heitkamp Raised $298,091 From PACs. (FEC Disclosure, Heidi For Senate, http://query.nictusa.com/, Filed 2/2/12)

Heitkamp Raised $43,100 From Party Committees. (FEC Disclosure, Heidi For Senate, http://query.nictusa.com/, Filed 2/2/12)

Heitkamp Raised $121,625 From Joint Fundraising Committees. (FEC Disclosure, Heidi For Senate, http://query.nictusa.com/, Filed 2/2/12)

Heitkamp Raised At Least $310,946 From Outside North Dakota In Individual Contributions:

Heitkamp Raised A Total Of $427,600 In Individual Contributions In 2012. (Kristen Daum, “More Details On U.S. Senate Candidates’ First-Quarter Fundraising,” Flickertales, http://ndpolitics.areavoices.com/, 4/24/12)

  • Heitkamp Raised Only $168,116 From Outside North Dakota In Itemized Contributions. “Of the $275,600 in itemized individual donations: 39 percent came from North Dakotans, while 61 percent came from out-of-state contributors.” (Kristen Daum, “More Details On U.S. Senate Candidates’ First-Quarter Fundraising,” Flickertales, http://ndpolitics.areavoices.com/, 4/24/12)

Heitkamp Raised A Total Of $264,501 In Individual Contributions In 2011.  (FEC Disclosure, Heidi For Senate, http://query.nictusa.com/, Filed 2/2/12)

  • 54% Of Heitkamp’s Contributions Came From Outside North Dakota. “An analysis of all of the candidates’ FEC reports for this campaign cycle showed only four contenders have collected less than half of their individual donations from North Dakotans: Sand, 20 percent, Berg, 33 percent; Heitkamp, 46 percent; and GOP House candidate Kevin Cramer, 46 percent.” (Kristen Daum, “More Than $3.3 Million Has Been Donated So Far To North Dakota Candidates – Who Is Funding Them?,” Fargo-Moorhead Inforum, 2/20/12)