Casey Forgets He Stands With Obama 96% Of The Time

As Senator Bob Casey begins to campaign around Pennsylvania it’s become apparent that he’s forgotten one thing: Casey has voted to support President Obama’s liberal agenda 96 percent of the time! Beginning his desperate election-year attempt to distance himself from Obama’s dismal record, Casey said there’s a very strong case to be made that he’s been an independent Senator in Washington.

Independent?! Casey must have already forgotten that he provided the key vote for some of Obama’s most far-reaching priorities including the $2.6 billion ObamaCare bill and the $1.17 trillion failed stimulus bill. Despite his election year gimmicks, it is clear that Casey’s loyal support of Obama’s policies have done little to protect Pennsylvania families while burdening future generations with reckless spending.

CASEY: “I Think There’s A Very Strong Case To Be Made That I’ve Been An Independent Senator.” (“Sen. Bob Casey Wishes Rick Santorum The Best,” CBS News Pittsburgh,, Posted 4/2/12)

Casey Has Supported Obama An Average Of 96 Percent Of The Time:

In 2011, Casey Supported Obama 93 Percent Of The Time. (CQ Voting Studies,, Accessed 3/21/12)

In 2010, Casey Supported Obama 98 Percent Of The Time. (CQ Voting Studies,, Accessed 3/21/12)

In 2009, Casey Supported Obama 97 Percent Of The Time. (CQ Voting Studies,, Accessed 3/21/12)

Obama-Casey Reckless Spending Agenda:

Casey Was The 60th Vote For The Senate Version Of The Health Care Overhaul Bill. (H.R. 3590, CQ Vote #396: Passed 60-39: R 0-39; D 58-0; I 2-0, 12/24/09, Casey Voted Yea)

Casey Voted For The Final Health Care Reconciliation Bill. (H.R. 4872, CQ Vote #105: Passed 56-43: R 0-40; D 54-3; I 2-0, 3/25/10, Casey Voted Yea)

  • The True Cost Of ObamaCare Once It Is Fully Implemented Will Be $2.6 Trillion. (Office Of The Speaker Of The U.S. House Of Representatives, Report, 1/6/11)

Casey Voted To Approve The Stimulus Bill, Which Included An Estimated $1.17 Trillion In Spending Increases And Raised The Federal Deficit To $12.104 Trillion. (H.R. 1, CQ Vote #64: Adopted 60-38: R 3-38; D 55-0; I 2-0, 2/13/09, Casey Voted Yea)