Brown’s To Do List: Remember To Pay Taxes

As millions of Americans prepare for April 17th or “Tax Day,” U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown should be reminded to pay his income taxes on time. As Ohioans may know, Brown is a serial tax delinquent who time and time again has failed to pay personal property taxes on his Washington, D.C. residence, which led to his property being placed on an auction list!

It’s clear that while Brown continues to advocate for increasing taxes on hard-working Ohioans in Washington, he has conveniently evaded taxes himself because he “misplaced the bill.” Brown’s failure to pay taxes on his Washington apartment illustrates how out of touch Brown is with the everyday responsibilities of Ohioans.

Sherrod Brown Was Late In Paying $892 In Property Taxes On His D.C. Apartment. “Sen. Sherrod Brown acknowledged yesterday that he was late paying an $892 property-tax bill for the second half of 2011 on an apartment that he has owned in Washington for two decades. Brown, D-Ohio, who stays in the apartment when the Senate is in session, told reporters on a conference call that he had ‘misplaced the bill’ in the apartment, and he ‘paid a penalty for being late. And it won’t happen again.’” (Jack Torry and Joe Hallet, “With Penalty, Interest; Brown Pays Property-Tax Bill In D.C.,” The Columbus Dispatch, 2/16/12)

Brown Also Failed To Pay Property Taxes On The D.C. Apartment In 2006, And His Apartment Was Placed On An Auction List. “According to District of Columbia tax records, it was the second time in six years that Brown was late in paying property taxes on the apartment. In 2006, he was assessed $459.89 in penalties and late fees for his property tax of $1,699.64. In early 2007, according to district records, the property had been placed on an auction list because Brown was late on the taxes.” (Jack Torry and Joe Hallet, “With Penalty, Interest; Brown Pays Property-Tax Bill In D.C.,” The Columbus Dispatch, 2/16/12)