
Martin Heinrich holds a lot of liberal positions, but his most disturbing views may be on our only Democratic ally in the Middle East – Israel.

When the U.N released a report condemning Israel while giving a pass to the terrorist organization Hamas, Heinrich refused to condemn it.

When a city councilman attacked Israel for “oppression and genocide,” Heinrich endorsed him.

When far-left anti-Israel groups held a rally condemning Israel, Heinrich sent a representative from his congressional office.

And in case that weren’t enough, here’s Heinrich giving a speech right in front of a Free Palestine banner. 

Heinrich Refused To Vote To Condemn The “Irredeemably Biased” Goldstone Report:

On November 3, 2009, Congress Overwhelmingly Passed A Resolution Criticizing The UN Goldstone Report For Being “Irredeemably Biased” Against Israel. “The nonbinding House resolution, passed Nov. 3 on a 344-36 vote, describes the report as ‘irredeemably biased’ in examining Israel’s military assault on the Gaza Strip in December and January. The document, called the Goldstone Report, was compiled by an independent team led by South African Judge Richard Goldstone. The report says Israel and the Palestinian Hamas group, which controls Gaza, both committed war crimes during the three-week clash. However, Israel’s offensive, which human rights organizations say resulted in about 1,400 Palestinian deaths, bore most of the criticism in the report.” (Michael Coleman, “’Present’ Votes On Israel Issue; Luján, Heinrich Refused To Take Sides On Resolution On U.N. Report,” Albuquerque Journal, 11/11/09)

Heinrich Voted Present On The Resolution Opposing The Goldstone Report. “Berman, D-Calif., motion to suspend the rules and adopt the resolution that would call on the president and secretary of State to continue to oppose any endorsement of a report by the United Nations on the conflict in Gaza and reaffirm the support of the House for the state of Israel.” (H.Res. 867, CQ Vote #838: Motion agreed to 344-36: D 179-33; R 165-3; I 0-0, 11/3/09, Heinrich Voted Present)

Heinrich Refused To Vote On The Resolution, Taking No Position. “A U.N.-sponsored report that accuses both Hamas and Israel of war crimes – and is especially tough on Israel – was overwhelmingly denounced by the U.S. House last week, but Reps. Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján avoided an up or down vote on the issue. Instead of voting yea or nay, Heinrich of Albuquerque and Lujan if Santa Fe, both Democrats, voted ‘present.’” (Michael Coleman, “’Present’ Votes On Israel Issue; Luján, Heinrich Refused To Take Sides On Resolution On U.N. Report,” Albuquerque Journal, 11/11/09)

Heinrich Said He Voted Present Because He Claimed The Resolution “Does Nothing To Resolve The Ongoing Conflict.”  “Heinrich said he continues ‘to be a strong supporter of the state of Israel and its right to both exist and defend its citizens,’ but he did not consider the House resolution helpful to the Middle East peace process. ‘The unequivocal position in the nonbinding resolution last week does nothing to resolve the ongoing conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians, and it detracts from our ability to help negotiate a lasting peace which is in both the national security interests of Israel and the United States,’ Heinrich said in a statement provided to the Journal.” (Michael Coleman, “’Present’ Votes On Israel Issue; Luján, Heinrich Refused To Take Sides On Resolution On U.N. Report,” Albuquerque Journal, 11/11/09)

Heinrich Sent A Representative To Address A Rally Calling For An End To The “Occupation Taking Place In…Palestine”:

In March 2009, A Rally Was Held In Albuquerque Opposing The “Occupation Taking Place In…Palestine.” “This local rally is in solidarity with the massive national March on the Pentagon being organized by ANSWER in Washington, DC on the 6th anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. The rally is calling for an end to the expansion by the administration and Congress of the wars of occupation taking place in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, and the impending invasion or Iran.” (“This Weekend: ABQ Protests Of Wars Of Occupation, Rally To Bring Troops Home,” Democracy For New Mexico,, 3/20/09)

Heinrich Reportedly Sent An Aid To Address The Rally That Is Calling On Him To Stop Foreign Aid To Israel. “The Y6 Coalition is calling on Rep. Heinrich to work with the national S30 movement to stop the next $30 billion installment of U.S. weapons to Israel. A representative for the Congressman’s office will also address the rally.” (“This Weekend: ABQ Protests Of Wars Of Occupation, Rally To Bring Troops Home,” Democracy For New Mexico,, 3/20/09)

Heinrich Associates With Anti-Israel Groups And Individuals:

Heinrich Gave A Speech In Front A Banner That Reads: “Free Palestine.” (0:14 – 0:36, “Martin Heinrich introduces Delores Huerta,”, Uploaded 4/2/11)

Albuquerque City Councilor Isaac Benton Attacked Israel For “Oppression And Genocide.” “In Albuquerque earlier this year, City Councilor Isaac Benton was criticized for calling Israel’s actions ‘oppression and genocide’ at a protest rally in the city in January. Local Jewish leaders objected to the genocide remark, and Benton said he regretted the comment.” (Michael Coleman, “’Present’ Votes On Israel Issue; Luján, Heinrich Refused To Take Sides On Resolution On U.N. Report,” Albuquerque Journal, 11/11/09)