Heidi’s ObamaCare Problem

Heidi Heitkamp On Thursday: “I’ve often said that [ObamaCare] is not a perfect law.”

Too bad there is no record of Heitkamp ever criticizing ObamaCare before Thursday. Anywhere. In fact, since the massive government takeover of our health insurance was rammed through the Senate two years ago, Heitkamp has been one of ObamaCare’s biggest cheerleaders.

Heitkamp has headlined rallies promoting ObamaCare.

Heitkamp said ObamaCare would be great for small businesses.

Heitkamp said ObamaCare was a huge victory for the far-left.

Heidi is a cheerleader for ObamaCare, so when she tries to claim otherwise, just look at the facts.


Heitkamp Is A Cheerleader For ObamaCare:

Heitkamp Was A “Fervent Cheerleader” For ObamaCare. “In fact, in 2010, Heitkamp was a fervent cheerleader for the law, repeatedly promoting its benefits and praising the Democratic congressional delegation for helping pass it.” (David Cantanese, “Heitkamp On Health Care: Past Vs. Present,” Politico, http://www.politico.com/, 3/23/12)

Heitkamp’s Attempts To Rebrand Herself Are Completely New. “The problem for Heitkamp is that the criticism appears to be new.  There isn’t evidence she raised concerns about the health care law until she was a candidate for Senate.” (David Cantanese, “Heitkamp On Health Care: Past Vs. Present,” Politico, http://www.politico.com/, 3/23/12)

Heitkamp Claims She Opposes The Individual Mandate And ObamaCare’s Red Tape, Though These Aren’t Her Priorities:

However, Heitkamp said: ‘There are some serious problems with the law like the federal mandate requiring you to buy health insurance and way too much red tape for small businesses.’ ‘Right now, there are too many Democrats in Washington who won’t admit there are problems with the law and too many Republicans, like my opponent, who want to throw it all out,’ she said, referencing Republican Rep. Rick Berg, who’s also seeking to fill the seat of Sen. Kent Conrad, the Democrat who isn’t seeking re-election.” (Kristen Daum, “North Dakota Candidates Stake Out Views On The Health Care Law,” Jamestown Sun, http://www.jamestownsun.com/, 3/23/12)

Heitkamp Said Health Care Reform Isn Not One Of Her Top Priorities. “Heitkamp did not mention health care at all during her speech. When asked why, Heitkamp said that – while health care is important and ‘there will be a lot of discussion about health care’ – it’s not one of the top priorities that define her campaign platform.” (Kristen Daum, “Heitkamp Receives Boisterous Endorsement In U.S. Senate Race,” Flickertales From The Hill, http://ndpolitics.areavoices.com/?p=93307, 3/17/12)

But Right After It Was Passed, She Called ObamaCare A Victory That Would Lower Costs For Small Businesses, And Had No Criticism Of The Bill:

Heitkamp Thanks North Dakota Legislators For Voting For ObamaCare. HEITKAMP: “Maybe their family would not be bankrupt because they needed a new hip replacement. Maybe they now have opportunity. So I wanted to start out my comments, and thank all of you for being those voices for the thousands who have never had a voice in America, who today for the first time in my memory, in a long time, they’ve won. Despite all the odds, they have won.” (NDpeople.org “Change That Works Rally,” 4/1/10)

Heitkamp Believes The Issue With ObamaCare Is Messaging. HEITKAMP: “I want to encourage all of you to be vigilant. The polls show that the republican message of repeal this is gaining ground. You need to continue your efforts. You need to continue to believe that our citizens, the people of North Dakota, will agree with us in majority if we just get them the message.” (NDpeople.org “Change That Works Rally,” 4/1/10)

Heitkamp Claimed That Costs Were The Reason For So Many Uninsured. HEITKAMP: “On behalf of all the small businesspeople who would dearly love to get their people – their employees – health insurance, but they can’t afford it. The number one reason, if you look at North Dakota’s report on premiums, it is by and far the number one reason why employers do not cover employees – because of cost. We are going to make – this bill is going to make that benefit affordable for those small businesspeople. And so I want, on behalf of those small businesspeople to thank Senator Conrad.” (NDpeople.org “Change That Works Rally,” 4/1/10)


PART 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fOhjtj76iU

PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_0ybYWIPcg

PART 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm9cWBFsZvs