Nine years ago, America was viciously attacked by terrorists who intended and expected to deal this country a mortal blow, by destroying the symbols of our economic system (the World Trade Center), our military strength (the Pentagon) and our democracy (an intended attack on the U.S. Capitol).
They failed because America’s strength does not rely merely on symbols, but on the ideals and values that have made our country prosperous, secure, altruistic, and a force for good in the world. On 9/11, Americans rallied together, put aside differences, and acted decisively to care for the victims, confront those who had perpetrated this act of war, and adopt protective measures against terrorist attacks in the future.
On this ninth anniversary of 9/11, with a watershed election barely 50 days ahead and many vital issues at stake, it is worth taking a moment to remember that we are all Americans – Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and many others – united by a sincere love for our country and a common purpose to defend and strengthen her.
God bless America.
Steven Law