Meet Jason Kander: The Liberal Democrat Who’s In A Hurry To Get To DC

Today, Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander announced he is running for U.S. Senate in an empty airport terminal.


The immediate reaction to Kander’s announcement in the state has been confusion. In one piece, the Kansas City Star asked the following rhetorical questions:

So why is Jason Kander running for the U.S. Senate?

Why would Kander take such a risk?

And if he doesn’t win?

The big question on Thursday morning was why?

Why indeed. The Star goes on to describe Kander as a 33 year-old “man in a hurry,” who “thinks he can … become one of the youngest U.S. senators in American history.

Kander isn’t the moderate he pretends to be. 

The problem is Kander’s flowery bipartisan rhetoric doesn’t match his record of supporting partisan liberals. Kander’s announcement video whines about DC being broken, but in 2005, he founded “Heartland Democrats,” a third-party group that was designed to elect Democrats. Here’s an excerpt from a July 9, 2005 Kansas City Star story:

“Kander, 24, is an area native and a recent law graduate of Georgetown University. He said in an interview that the Heartland Democrats would produce TV ads and other messages featuring Democrat-backing clergy, farmers and veterans in uniform. The group aims to grow by first helping Missouri candidates in the 2006 elections. Kander said success in the middle of America was key to developing ‘a national strategy’ for winning over values voters nationwide.”

And like many like-minded liberal Democrats, in 2009 Kander offered a strong defense of President Obama:

Want to know more about far-left liberal Jason Kander? We’ll keep you in the loop.